April 2022

New Hours!  The Geneseo-Atkinson Food Pantry is now open: Mondays 9am to 7pm; Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00am to 4:00pm; and Fridays 9:00am to 12:00pm. All donations are gratefully accepted during business hours. We also have a red collection box in the vestibule at Fareway for food and personal care items.


The Food Pantry will be closed on Friday, April 15 in observance of Good Friday.

Any residents of Geneseo or Atkinson may shop once a week in the clothing room on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.


Residents of Geneseo or Atkinson who meet income guidelines have three options to receive food:

  1. Visit during business hours (see above).
  2. Fill out a checklist at geneseofoodpantry.org and schedule a pickup time.
  3. Make a Monday evening appointment through our website (geneseofoodpantry.org).


Thank you to all who contributed to the “Scouting for Food” drive March 19 and April 2, and to the Scouts who collected and delivered donations to the Food Pantry!  Food drives like this one help keep the shelves stocked during the summer months when donations typically decrease.


The Food Pantry provided food and other assistance to 73 households in February. Food distributions in February were equivalent to 1,616 meals, made possible through our community’s amazing support! 

The Food Pantry has become a community partner with Pajama Program! Pajama Program distributes millions of cozy pajamas and inspiring books to qualified Community Partners (homeless shelters, foster care agencies, group homes, etc.) that work directly with children facing adversity across the United States. Now our guests will have plenty of adorable pajamas to choose from!

Our volunteer of the month, Donna McKinley, has been volunteering at the Food Pantry for 14 years! Donna has helped with many tasks such as: Sorting donations, helping with food distribution, organizing Christmas gifts and preparing holiday baskets. She has a husband, 4 children, 3 children-in-law, 3 grandchildren and a cat. Donna enjoys doing crafts and gardening. She said the best thing about volunteering at the Food Pantry is getting to know people and helping them. Donna remembers how crowded and frustrating working in the old building could be when sorting and cleaning, and she really appreciates the larger building. Thank you for all your help, Donna!

You may visit our website at geneseofoodpantry.org or like our Facebook page for updates on current Food Pantry needs, food drives, and other events.

Food needs for April are: Oil, sugar, salt, mandarin oranges and pizza sauce.

Non-food needs include: Diapers (size 4, 5, 6), dish soap, laundry soap, bleach and toilet paper.